hrafARC Launch

Last modified by hrafARC Editors on 2021/12/30 19:17

Collaboration opens up significant new opportunities for comparative ethnography-based ‘research and implementation’ 

The Human Relations Areas Files (HRAF) – an internationally recognized anthropological research organization at Yale University  – announces new institutes in the USA and Europe to promote comparative ethnographic research applied to complex contemporary problems.  More specifically, HRAF Advanced Research Centers (hrafARC) aims to  develop and apply new paradigms for comparative research to address outcomes emerging from human complexity and diversity. hrafARC has an overarching goal of expanding its reach and programs globally and invites other collaborations. 

At Yale, HRAF is launching its Advanced Research Center with a project supported by the National Science Foundation. "Climate-Related Hazards, Disasters, and Cultural Transformations" has investigators from cultural anthropology, archaeology, psychology, geography and climatology, comparing worldwide samples of societies, archaeological traditions, and countries in their responses to hazards related to food production, storage, and availability. The PI for the grant is Carol R. Ember (HRAF), and the co-PIs are Benjamin Felzer (Lehigh University), Michele J. Gelfand (University of Maryland), Eric C. Jones (University of Texas-Houston), and Peter N. Peregrine (Lawrence University). The Senior Researchers are Teferi Abate Adem (HRAF) and Ian Skoggard (HRAF). More information about the project can be found at hrafARC was established by Carol R. Ember, President of HRAF, and Michael D. Fischer, Vice President of HRAF.

For more information about hrafARC [EU]  see

Created by hrafARC Editors on 2021/12/30 19:17
Copyright 1949-2023 Human Relations Area Files, Yale University